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The Clocks Have Changed- That Means Your Timed Controller Needs To Be Changed Too!


November is here and winter is approaching fast. The dark mornings have become even darker since the clocks changing on October 31st. Reducing daylight hours really does make every hour count, especially in regard to your horse’s rest. Allow both you and your horse to reap the benefits that HorseLight has to offer in the winter months such as improved daytime alertness, coat condition, feed to muscle conversion and rest whilst also helping reduce the chance of your horse suffering with SAD. This makes it all the more important to change your HorseLight timed controller settings to facilitate the change in time helping optimise both horse and rider performance.

The team here at HorseLight thought it would be a good idea to give our customers a quick walk through on how to change the time settings on their timed controllers.

Below are the instructions of how to adjust the timings for when the clocks change both backwards and forwards, stopping any disruption for your HorseLight routine.

The basic HorseLight controller is simple and easily changeable.

Standard setting is: on 06:45am off 18:15pm

Clocks changing: In the summer and autumn the clock change by 1 hour. Change the clock as follows:

Flip up the 2 lids on the controller to get access to the control panel buttons and screen

To change the time (when the clocks change):

Hold in time button and move hour (H) or minute (M) to the new time

Changing the on/ turn off setting:

To change the ‘ON’ time in the morning

– Press ’P’ button and move to program 1 ‘on’

- Adjust time with (H) and (M) until correct

- Press to set this time

To change the ‘OFF’ time.

– Press ’P’ button and move to program 1 ‘off’

  • Adjust time with (H) and (M)

  • Press to set this time

In a HorseLight standard light this switches off the light

In a HorseLight advance this turns the light from blue light to red light.

The timer unit will switch the red lights (of the HorseLight Advanced system) over in the evenings, which will help release the melatonin that your horse needs for rest and recuperation and also acts as an observational light for you to see without switching the lights back on!

At HorseLight we pride ourselves on our excellent after-sales and installation support for all our customers, if you have any problems with changing the seasonal settings on your lights, please get in contact with us on; or +44 (0) 1285 896 440

If you haven’t bought your lights yet, then SHOP NOW

+44 (0) 1285 896 440

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